The Ned, London
London, UK
Sixteenth annual K&L Gates' complimentary one day Asset Management and Investment Funds conference, taking place on Monday, 3 October 2022.
The programme for the day will include the following keynote speakers and panel sessions:
- Tanguy van de Werve, Director General, European Fund & Asset Management Association
- Euan Munro, CEO, Newton Investment Management
- Michael S. Caccese, Chairman and Asset Management and Investment Funds Practice Area Leader, K&L Gates LLP, Boston
- Fireside Chat with Regulators- Michael Collins, Technical Specialist, FCA, Laurent Van Burik, Head of Unit, Legal, International & Enforcement Investment Funds at Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, CSSF and Esther Wandel, Head of Division on Asset Management and SustainableFinance at the Federal Ministry of Finance in Germany
- Session l: ESG: Is it the hope that kills the regulatory burden or the lack of an effective ESG strategy?
- Session ll: New waves in Asset Management: exploring the rise of exchanged traded products & crypto
- Session lll: Strategic Leaders: Issues facing our industry and the wider world, and our role in solving them
- Session lV: Fireside Chat: How do regulators see the European investment fund landscape
- Session V: Private assets - are they essential for a diversified portfolio and how can they be accessed by investors across the spectrum
During the course of the day, our speakers will cover a range of the most current topics, helping us to navigate what is in store for the global investment management industry.
Breakfast & Registration: 9:00 a.m.
Conference: 9:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Networking drinks: 5:15 p.m.
For more updates on issues in the Financial Services Industry, visit K&L Gates HUB.
- Michelle Moran